This is from the same trip as my first attempt. Early October in Cape Breton, NS.
I didn't even do a preliminary study or an underdrawing for this one. It's a really simple subject, so early this morning a laid in a wash for the sky and brought it down into the trees below and through to the far bank (bottom of the paper). When that was dry, after breakfast, I did a second wash, put in the tree line, and dropped in some darker pigment for the conifers, etc -- some stones on the near bank, perhaps. And finally after it dried again, I put in the dark reflections in the water. Then a couple of strokes of strong dark for the figure. I'm happy with it and it was nice way to spend New Years Day.
I really like your painting. It has much more character than the photograph.
I really like the spontaneous, economical brush strokes in this. Your photo is very orange, but that might be on purpose, a burnt sienna tint? I suspect, though, that it might look a bit more like this in real life? (did a quick auto white balance on your photo). I like them both, has to be said :)
I really like the light!
Quite original. Interesting. What happened to the dog?