Landscape painting with fields of flowers - a tricky business
Hi Olly and the rest of the forum ☺️
Olly, you mentioned in your last tutorial on YouTube that we should try painting a landscape from a photo we took ourselves. This is a painting of the Cedarberg region in the Western Cape of South Africa. Normally a dry and semi-arid landscape, this area turns into fields of flowers at the beginning of spring. Painting fields of flowers is tricky. Firstly because I wanted to try and maintain some translucency but create texture and vibrancy at the same time. Instead of using masking fluid to create individual daisies, I tried the salt technique and then filled in where it was a bit stark. I’m open to feedback and suggestions of perhaps a better technique, colour use etc. Thank you! Rachel Winstanley from South Africa
It's a lovely translation of your photo.
But, let me warn you about salt.
I know a lot of artists use it to get a certain effect. But salt on a wet watercolour will creep also in your watercourpaper. And it could ruin it too. Because when a watercolour will be sold, or just get in a more humid environment the salt in the paper comes alive again, and make brown stains. I know aot of famous artists that has to retrieve the money they received fir their salty watercolour.
Just spatter some water with your fingertips or brush if you want a effect.