I kept coming back to this photo and finally decided to paint it. Though not a typical fishing related picture, it captures the peace that can be found on the river and perhaps the cold martime afternoon and coming storm.
I hope people don't stop sharing their paintings now that the holiday season is past. It has been so insprirarional for my own work to see that of others.

I think both drawings have their own character and I can't say which one I like better. The first one seems lighter and more relaxed. In the second, the sky seems more atmospheric - more similar to the moment in the photo. The colours of the group of trees are very beautiful in both versions.
Great work Eric! I think the first is my favourite - there's a pleasing clarity to the washes, which have a lovely transparent feel to them. It looks peaceful in your photo, and that very much comes across.
I tried this painting again, this time on a soft laid paper and a bit larger at9"x12". Let me know what you think. I'm torn between the two.
Hello eric,
you have painted another beautiful picture, without fisherman but in wonderful autumn colors. As it happens, I also tried my hand at “reflections” today. That's why I'm going to post my try too - it still fits the challenge theme "memories of an experienced moment".
(By the way, there is a category called “shared pictures”).
Thanks also to the other participants whose comments told me about Oliver's book, I have also ordered it but unfortunately have to wait another 14 days for it.