I'm trying to work with some of Olly's techniques for the trees. Also, as discussed in previous posts, working on how to indicate a thin fishing line in the air. In this case I tried to paint around the line and then added guache to make it more visible. It is not as successful as the scrathing out used in some of the other images.
This painting is of a new pool that was created by the installation of a massive rip rap bank which gives the opportunity to explore painting tightly intermeshed boulders as well as the trees behind and water and near bank. I'm happy with a lot of this, I think, but the line is really clunky and takes away from the rest.

Wonderful rocks and action of the fisherman. I really like the scratched out lines- the skips in them make the line sparkle a bit. But I can understand wanting to try all the solutions!
Oh yes, you are getting rather good at this!! Sure you do need the masking marker but otherwise. You have a lovely light touch to your brushwork and your sense of color is very sophisticated. The energy in the trees is lovely and I can really feel the fisherman extending and casting his line. The water and how it blends into the foreground is gorgeous. Great work.
I'm only sending this as I have tried lots of different ones and many aren't that good. This was the one that really does work. It achieves really fine lines.
Another option is to buy a fine white chalk pastel pencil. it needs to be opaque and soft enough to create the line. Nothing wrong with mixing media if it works for you. Again different brands work in different ways, you will need to experiment.
Final option is to just get really good with a rigger and gouache! Practice makes perfect!